As a stage designed for highly efficient green screen, XR and live streaming in addition to traditional motion picture production, AVGS offers a wide range of advanced lighting, camera and broadcast technologies in house. Below are just a few highlights. Contact us for more information, or view our latest G&E and camera tech lists.

Installed RGBw+ Volume
Wide gamut volume with pixel animation capability. Featuring Creamsource Vortex8, Color Force ChromaQ, ACL and ZCL movers, and ProLycht Orion fixtures, powered by a Stardust 8-universe wireless DMX and controlled via in-house Blackout, or ETCnomad. Hard line available for consoles.

12′ x 20′ Auroris X Softbox
2x LiteGear Auroris X RGBw+ system with 48 LED panels in total, connected to Stardust wireless DMX and in-house Blackout or ETCnomad. Softbox is motorized for easy height adjustment, and can be tilted. Permanently installed.

2-Track Stage Curtain System
100′ black curtain (2 x 50′) on one rail, and a custom 100′ single seam chroma green curtain on a second, allowing stage to switch between white, black and green screen in seconds. Rails have additional hardware to hang other curtains or backdrops, with additional fabric in house to create a 360˚ black or green void.

10′ x 20′ LED Wall
2.6 megapixel LED volume supported by overhead grid and ProLycht RGBw+ lighting array. Includes Brompton Tessera XD processor, Unreal workstation, networking and power. Ideal for talk shows, game shows, commercials, branded content, automotive and photorealistic background integration.

Lighting Systems
In-house store includes 9x Creamsource Vortex8, LiteGear Spectrum 8 40 x 40″, 4x ProLycht Orion 675 FS, 6x ProLycht Orion 375 FS, 11x ACL and ZCL movers, 2x Astra Titan 8-tube kits with A7 controller, 8x Astera NYX Bulb kits, and a wide array of other LED and tungsten options. All fixtures complete with accessories.

Grip Packages
In-house G&E store includes a wide selection of professional grip, including new dolly and track systems, carts, fabrics, hardware and expendables, on a per item or bundled discount basis.

VIVE Mars CamTrack
VIVE Mars system for unrivaled real-time camera tracking, live pre-visualization, set extensions and CGI elements directly in-camera while filming. Fully installed with SteamVR Tracking 2.0 technology, VIVE trackers, and all required networking and software.

Ultimatte 12 4k
The most advanced chroma keyer, with superior edge handling, color separation and spill suppression. Ideal for layering AR foreground elements into a scene (with realistic transparency), live keying for broadcasting and streaming, and highly detailed on-set pre-visualization. Includes Smart Remote.

4k Live Switcher
Production Studio 4k capable of switching between SD, HD and Ultra HD formats, plus features such as chroma key, creative transitions, media pool, downstream keyers, audio mixer, multi-view and more. Ideal for live streaming, and to create a multi-camera line cut to save time in post.

RED Camera Systems
RED Gemini and 2x RED Komodos in house, fully accessorized, with a range of lens and tripod options. AVGS can arrange hire of other camera bodies, lens packages and specialty hardware, including Sony and ARRI systems, from our camera tech partners.